Gemmology Lecturers Dispatch 

Financial planner

Jewelry management concepts in the financial sector


When providing asset management and financial planning services, often encounter clients who need help with allocating their precious property and/or other aspects resources. In the field of financial management, the dialog with customers is to provide relevant information. To improve the knowledge of whole concept on jewelry and gemstones is essential. It will make financial planning services more superior.

Career planning

Choose your major- Jewelry Industry 

High School, College, and Career development Must Know

Jewelry field is a hundred professional occupations industry. Behind a seemingly beautiful and simple finished product is a series of industrial integration. Career planning starts from our heart’s inside to outside. First need to understand your own interests, values, goals and ideals. By understanding the contents and prospects of work field at each stage of the jewelry industry, you can better understand your own career positioning, or arrange/prepare for a career switch.


Lectures for Organizations, Associations or Clubs

Lectures for community events or club activities, from relax topic on life aesthetics, how to use ornaments dress up appearance, wedding ring selection, to systematic collection on gemstones or jewelry, etc. Through easy learning lectures , knowing about in-depth intellectual content, carry out the understanding and to know what it these all about.

Educational institutions/ Public sector organizations / Association